The Church that you have been looking for!

If you have been looking for a church where people truly love one another, then we believe that the Gonzales Church of Christ is the church that you’ve been looking for. As followers of Christ, we try to follow the golden rule in all of our relationships (Mt. 7:12). We realize that people should be able to recognize Jesus’s disciples by the love that they have for one another (John 14:34-35). When you visit our services you will find peace, unity, compassion, kindness, and love among us.
If you are looking for a church where families are encouraged and supported, then we believe that the Gonzales Church of Christ is the church that you’ve been looking for. As Christians, we understand the many forces in this world which are seeking to undermine and destroy homes. We realize that husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, and children are looking for encouragement.
In sermons and Bible classes, we strive to help those who make up the home to fulfill their God-given roles. Husbands are taught to love their wives (Eph. 5:25) and wives are taught to love their husbands (Tit. 2:4). Fathers are taught to provide for the family (1 Tim. 5:8; Gen. 18:19; Josh. 24:15), mothers are taught to guide the house (I Tim. 5:14; Tit. 2:5), children are taught to obey their parents ( Eph. 6:1-3) and young people are taught to remember God in their youth (Eccl. 12:1). When you visit our services you will leave with a renewed appreciation for marriage and the home.
If you are looking for a church where people believe in helping those in need, then we believe that the Gonzales Church of Christ is the church that you’ve been looking for. We support a local Children’s Home and provide assistance in other areas as needed. We try to keep shut-ins from feeling shut-out. We realize that “pure and undefiled religion” includes visiting the fatherless and the widows in their affliction (Jam. 1:27). In addition to visiting those who are sick and shut-in, we try to provide for others who are in need. Like our Lord, we look for opportunities to serve others (Gal. 6:10; Acts 10:38). As His followers, we are trying to provide a little warmth to a world that is growing increasingly cold. When you visit our services you will find people who demonstrate Christian love.
If you are looking for a church where men and women respect the word of God and obey it, then we believe that the Gonzales Church of Christ is the church that you’ve been looking for. We believe that “all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Our only creed is the Bible. We need no other creed because the Bible provides us with all things “that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3; Rev. 22:18-19). Realizing our own inability to direct our steps (Jer. 10:23), we rely upon God’s word to guide our feet (Psa. 119:105). In our services, preachers and Bible School teachers give book, chapter, and verse for what they say (2 Tim. 4:2). When you visit our services you will find that we strive to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent. Furthermore, you will find that we strive to call Bible things by Bible names and to do Bible things in Bible ways.
If you are looking for a church where people worship God as men and women did in the days of the apostles, then we believe that the Gonzales Church of Christ is the church that you’ve been looking for. As members of the church, we realize that whatever is done in word or deed must be done “in the name of the Lord” or by His authority (Col. 3:17; Mat. 28:18). We are careful not to add to or to take from God has written (Rev. 22:18-19).
Every Sunday we assemble together to sing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16), pray (Acts 2:42), give (I Cor. 16:1-2), study (Acts 17:11) and to observe the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7; I Cor. 11:23-26). When you visit our services, you will be worshipping the way that men worshipped during the days of the apostles (Acts 2:42).
If you are looking for a church where visitors receive a warm welcome, then we believe that the Gonzales Church of Christ is the church that you’ve been looking for. We strive to greet visitors with a handshake and a smile. Children and adults are shown to their respective classrooms and introduced to their teachers. Regardless of race, gender, age, or social class, visitors are treated as honored guests (Jam. 2:1-10). We seek to look at people like Jesus did—as precious souls worth more than all the world (Mt. 16:26).
Please give us the opportunity to welcome you.